Supporting educational program at the Yonago Hokuto Junior High School
SynecO, Inc. will be providing guidance on the theoretical background of the augmented ecosystems as well as supporting with the educational program that has just started at the Yonago Hokuto Junior High School using "Syneco Portal (Synecoculture Principles Learning Kit)." The program is led by Shoei Gakuen Educational Association with the support of the members of the Synecoculture project at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
The consulting service marks SynecO’s first step in the direction of enhancing ecological literacy in the field of education.
An opening ceremony was held on July 22 at the junior high school to commemorate the start of the program. SynecO will be supporting students and teachers in learning how to interact with the “Syneco Portal” and to feel the interconnection with the surrounding environment in daily life.
Photo courtesy of Shouei Gakuen Educational Association
More Information (external sites):
Report of the Opening Ceremony (in Japanese)Yonago Hokuto Junior And Senior High School (in Japanese)
Syneco Portal(Synecoculture Principles Learning Kit)